Monday, September 27, 2010

Technology and Teaching

Today was all about the use of technology in education.  We talked about how to use various devices in the classroom such as a flip video cameras or even the new iPads.  I have an iTouch and I think it would be fun to incorporate something like that in my classroom.  It would keep the kids interested and hopefully teach them different things, too.  For the majority of class, we were given scenarios and we had to go to the corner that described what we thought: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.  As we all grouped up, we had to say why we chose that side of the argument.  This gave to full spectrum of what we all want in our classroom and schools.  At the end of class, we watched the "Did You Know" video from last year.  It gave ridiculous numbers and percentages about the growing use of technology in today's world.  Pretty amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could afford an iPad. When Professor Day said hers was a cheaper one for $300.00, I thought oh wow thats still a lot! I enjoyed doing the corner groups. I also enjoyed watching the video, it was unbelievable about some of those percentages.
